A catastrophe, uninvited and unprecedented, COVID-19 has had severe impacts on the lives of people and the severity of such impacts was relatively more for those living in rural areas. After the sudden halt in the source of income due to the abrupt lockdown, the locals had to go through a tough time to make ends meet. Considering the issues of poverty, unemployment, and uncertainties, the pig distribution project emanated, which is viewed as one of the significant steps to help ease the COVID crisis, particularly among vulnerable groups and communities. 

The program was initiated with the very objective of improving the socio-economic situation of the families residing in Dhading district through livestock farming. This stride was taken forward to address the issues of poverty, unemployment, and uncertainty. A total of 20 households (2 for each of the two members) benefited from the distribution of 40 piglets (20 pairs) by team Prayas Nepal. The recipients were informed of the necessary information regarding the aims of the program and they were inculcated with the potential benefit of pig farming- high profitability, given the fast growth rates and good feed-to-meat conversion ratios. The pig housings were constructed beforehand by the recipients themselves. They were also informed about the necessary terms and conditions, one of which was returning a sow (female pig) per year. The indemnification, insurance processes, and other necessary negotiations were managed by the Ward members. With valuable cooperation and partnership with the local bodies as well as the ward members, skill development and education programs are planned to be conducted to foster people with the necessary knowledge and basic information on agriculture

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